Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know from the version number which products are major releases?
Last Updated 8 years ago

To keep the versions numbers of different products simple and clear, all GroupDocs version numbers follow the same “YY.MM.N” pattern.

The first two numbers represent a year and a month of a release. For example, GroupDocs.Viewer 18.10. means that the version is released in October 2018. This is useful since there is no need to additionally check publish date of a certain version – it is clear just from the version number.

For most products, we publish a new version every calendar month. We don't have an exact date when a new version will be published. In general, new monthly releases are published when they are ready and all tests are passed.

Third number N is an ordinal number of a hotfix. For regular versions, the third number is 0. For every hotfix it is increased by 1. For example, if the second hotfix is released in October 2018, then its version number will be 18.10.2.

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