Frequently Asked Questions

2. Developer/Business Support - Key Benefits & Conditions
Last Updated 7 years ago

Key features of Developer/Business Support

Sometimes our customers need prioritized support and extra attention to help solve critical issues. To help these customers we introduced Priority Support. In addition to free support service, Priority Support offers following benefits.

  • Access to our Paid Support Helpdesk with Priority Support status. 
    • Developer Support allows you to post up to 3 incidents per year.
    • Business Support allows you to post up to 6 incidents per year.
  • 24 hour guaranteed initial response time during weekdays.
  • Issue escalation to product development teams.
  • Hot-fixes delivered to address your issues.
  • Buying support gives you access to the enhanced support option for a year.
  • One Developer/Business Support purchase covers all your GroupDocs products with valid subscriptions.


Developer Support is offered only to customers on a Developer Small Business license type.  For developers on this license who feel they might need more than 3 issues per year they can opt to select Business Support.

Paid Support subscription is purchased as a separate product and is not a part of product license.

Business Support is offered to customers on either of our Developer license types (Developer Small Business and Developer OEM).

Buying support gives you access to the enhanced support option for a year.

You can buy Developer/Business Support when renewing a subscription, or when you buy a license. If you are part way through a subscription and wish to buy Developer/Business Support please contact our sales department.


Developer/Business support is priced based on the license types you hold:

  • Developer Support
    • Developer Small Business license: $499.00
  • Business Support
    • Developer Small Business license: $599.00
    • Developer OEM license: $1699.00


  • Developer/Business Support guarantees an initial response within 24 hours of an issue being raised during business days. We cannot guarantee a complete resolution in this timescale but you will get an assessment of the issue. Where we can, we provide simple fixes and workarounds immediately. Issues that demand a fix can take longer. No guarantee can be made to the delivery date of the fix.
  • Access to the Paid Support Helpdesk is limited to the account that the subscription was purchased under and a fixed number of additional accounts based on your paid subscription level.
  • Developer/Business Support is subject to a fair usage policy of the specified number of issues being raised in any 365 day period. (By issue we mean a new Paid Support ticket opened in the Paid Support Helpdesk.)  If several unrelated issues are opened in one Paid Support ticket then these are split into separate tickets and each counts towards your usage quota.
  • These conditions are subject to change without notice.
  • GroupDocs reserves the right to discontinue technical support for all or individual products at any time.
  • Hotfixes and feature requests, if supplied, are only built on the latest version of the product in question. Versions other than the latest version of the software are not supported in this way.

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